Mass Evangelism on Brazilian Paulista Avenue Brings Healing and Salvation: “This is the Church”
Hundreds of young people gathered on Paulista Avenue last Sunday (26) for a powerful evangelistic outreach that resulted in numerous healings, conversions, and a sense of revival, writes the Brazilian…
Lika Roman became Miss Ukraine and shared the gospel in more than 35 countries: ‘It was His faithfulness and His word’
Lika Roman always dreamed of doing something great for God. Her life turned into a different direction when she became Miss Ukraine in 2007. Today, God is raising her up…
Naomi and Laureen volunteer in Belgium at summer camp for children with disabilities: “Kids with a disability are worth more than gold”
Naomi and Laureen have been helping at the summer camps of PJV for several years. Last summer they helped at Kidaz camp, a summer camp specifically aimed at kids who…
5 Reasons why an archaeologist says the Bible is the Word of God
The Bible is the most powerful book of all time. It is God’s own Word, brings life and shows the way to salvation. But sadly, people all over the world…
American evangelist believes it is time for Europe to walk out the gospel and kick lukewarm Christianity out of the door
Evangelist Victoria Osborn is traveling across Europe and sees signs, wonders and miracles everywhere she goes. Currently she is finishing up her time in the UK where she saw the…
Antonio’s life was filled with drugs and darkness, until he encountered God during a near-death experience: “I surrendered my life to Jesus”
Antonio D’Agostino from Italy grew up feeling rejected by his environment, which led him to a lifestyle of dealing drugs and partying. When eventually he was at the “edge of…
Evangelist Jay Smith organizes his first gospel campaign in the UK: ‘ It is not the great suggestion, it is the great commission’
A great gospel invasion is preparing the ground for the ‘nights of freedom’ in Dudley, UK. It never crossed the mind of evangelist Jay Smith to do a gospel invasion…
American evangelist believes it is time for Europe to walk out the gospel and kick lukewarm Christianity out of the door
Evangelist Victoria Osborn is traveling across Europe and sees signs, wonders and miracles everywhere she goes. Currently she is finishing up her time in the UK where she saw the…
When Rodney wanted to sign up for a missionary training, God called him to serve in the army instead: “In the middle of war I released a sound of worship”
Shortly after Rodney Burton from Northern Ireland got saved, the Lord called him to serve on Logos II. Some time after his time on the mission ship, he and his…
How to hear God’s voice when everything seems to be shaking – an interview with the directors of Streams Training Centre England
We live in a time where everything that once seemed settled is shaking. A time in which we as Christians are faced with many and important choices. It might be…