God rescued Babette from drugs and the New Age movement: ‘My life truly began when I surrendered it to Jesus’
Babette from The Netherlands grew up in a Christian family but experienced the death of her father at a young age. A series of events that followed influenced her view…
God called Rodney to serve on Logos II shortly after he got saved: “The Lord would bring people and gave me words to say”
Rodney Burton from Northern Ireland was living his life without the Lord, until he got saved at a Christian meeting when he was 20 years old. He started going to…
Archaeologist Jennifer Guetta got into demonic Jewish mysticism and was heavily attacked until she met Jesus: “We called upon Him and the demons were stopped”
Jewish archaeologist Jennifer Guetta who grew up in the Netherlands got into demonic Jewish mysticism so deep that she was heavily attacked by demons every night. No counselor or psychiatrist…
Lady from England has vision of Jesus’ face and gets delivered from anxiety: “I prayed: ‘Jesus, by Your stripes I am healed’”
A lady from England testifies of how God delivered her from depression, anxiety and mental torment through the ministry of Kathryn Krick. She shares how she had been praying in…
Powerful deliverance during worship night in Ireland: “All the shame that I didn’t even know I was carrying, just came out in my tears”
Igniting Ireland, a church congregation in Ireland, regularly organizes worship nights where they simply focus on Jesus. After one of their most recent worship nights, someone who attended sent in…
British transgender woman and influencer Oli London finds faith in Christ and decides to live out God-given identity as man
British social media influencer and transgender woman Oli London recently announced that he no longer will be living like a transgender, but will live out his God-given identity as a…
Hayley Braun received freedom from the fear of man and experienced the power of God for six weeks: ‘It was like a thousand volts of electricity flowing through my body’
Hayley Braun is a senior overseer at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM). She was hosted at Sid Roth’s TV show ‘it’s supernatural’. Hayley battled the fear of man for…
Pastor Ilija Tanevski talks about the church and the work of God in Macedonia: “When we have many troubles, God moves”
Ilija Tanevski is pastor of Christian Centre 490 in Skopje, Macedonia. We interviewed him about the church in Macedonia and what God is doing in his country. There is an…
Aliss Cresswell shares story about ‘Healing or Blessing’ during Halloween
Aliss Cresswell and her friends decided to offer ‘Healing or Blessing’, instead of ‘Trick or Treat’ during Halloween a few years ago. She shares on her Facebook about the many…
Chelsea Wewege uses her gift of dance to glorify God: “Whenever I’m in a space of worship, something gets unlocked in me”
Chelsea Wewege moved from South Africa to London when she was sixteen. She has been dancing since she was three years old and now does it professionally. Through dance, she…