Churches and ministries evangelized in various regions of Brazil, leading to many people being saved, delivered, and baptized. In Santos (SP), members of the Bola de Neve Church traveled through the city, proclaiming salvation in Jesus. Christians marched through the streets carrying flags and posters with evangelistic messages, accompanied by the “Batucada Abençoada” drums – spreading the Gospel through carnival music.
Source: GUIAME
The group also walked along the beaches of Santos in an “Evangelical Dragnet,” engaging in personal evangelism and offering prayers to beachgoers.
Throughout the outreach, many people surrendered their lives to Christ, with some choosing to be baptized on the spot.
“Lives accepted Jesus. It was a unique and remarkable moment because that is our purpose: to populate Heaven and plunder Hell,” the church celebrated in an Instagram post.
“Each dive into the water symbolizes a new beginning, a new story being written by God. What a joy to be part of this special moment! Rejoice with us and continue praying for each of these new brothers and sisters in faith,” the post added.
As part of the Carnival evangelistic initiative, a gospel concert was also held, featuring artists such as Victin, the Marcados group, Leandro Soares, and the Christafari band.
Youth With a Mission Evangelism
Youth With a Mission (YWAM) also preached the Gospel during Carnival in several regions of the country.
The “Carnival Evangelistic Impact” project shared God’s love through theater, personal outreach, dance, praise, art, and prayer in cities including Recife, Manaus, Ouro Preto, Goiânia, Curitiba, and São Francisco do Sul (PR).
In Corumbá (MS), YWAM missionaries focused on evangelizing children through ministries, face painting, and games.
“Our team is dedicated to reaching children and teenagers on the streets of Corumbá. Many children are exposed to various challenging situations during this Carnival period,” YWAM Campo Grande shared on Instagram.
YWAM Curitiba highlighted the importance of evangelizing revelers during Carnival. “Be in the world, but not of the world. Preach the Word! Illuminate lives and show the way: Jesus,” they stated.
YWAM Montes Claros (MG) reported that on the first day of evangelism alone, they reached more than 1,200 people. “The Pirapora Carnival gathers over 40,000 people, and our team recognizes that it is time to fish! We follow Jesus’ command to make Him known,” the mission stated on social media.
Returning to the Father
Evangelist Allan Machado, leader of the Presence Revival Brazil mission, also led his team in evangelizing during the Goiânia Carnival. On the streets and in public squares, they shared the hope found in Christ. Many people accepted Jesus, were delivered from evil spirits, and others who had strayed from their faith returned to God.
“During this Carnival, we have seen that the enemy is attacking the identity we have in God. His main goal is to make God’s children forget their true identity, using sin as a weapon to blind them to the fact that Jesus paid the price for our sins,” Allan commented.
He further testified: “Hundreds of lives have been touched, and we have received incredible testimonies.”